Sunday, 7 August 2011

A Great Day of Shows at Edinburgh Fringe

We had to be up and out reasonably early this morning in the pouring rain to visit Dave Gorman in the studios where he was broadcasting on Absolute Radio. Great questions and great fun. Dave, off air, was after me to teach him the Come Back Rubber Band but we had to dash away to do a podcast show from the Gilded Balloon so I guess he will have to take a rain check on the lesson.

A quick taxi trip to the venue and we watched others doing their thing before it was our turn to be interviewed. I like doing these types of show mostly because I never know what they are going to ask or where the chat will go. It's like my own show; I don't have a fixed script and I do tend to walk the line just about every night.

To my amazement we then had the afternoon off so we went back to the flat, talked to the rabbits, loafed about and then went off to our venue where I set up the show more quickly than I have been doing over the last few days. The routine is settling in.

Thanks to the rain we only had about half a house but they were not only really international and all ages but they were great, laughed in all the right places and the show felt good.

Whilst the Liberace show was setting up on stage we packed up and headed back to the flat with the rabbits and then the phone started ringing.

I had agreed to do a charity gig for Radio Forth and the show was in the 3000 seat Playhouse Theatre. They had phoned our PR, Bex, concerned that I wouldn't be able to 'fill' the stage and wanting to know if I wanted them to transport something big to the theatre. Bex tried to tell them that I was a pro and they shouldn't worry and then came a few 'buts'....

We were back to a problem I have experienced quite a few times and I am not alone. It's an oddity. The bookers want me and presumably they want me for what I have done, for my experience and expertise in my particular field. Even in TV the magic shows are controlled by producers who have very little or no knowledge of magic, which is a unique theatrical art form and as I am always saying, provided the effect baffles people, the magic doesn't really matter at all. It is never the trick, it is always the performer(s).

So off I went to the theatre...............................with my pack of cards in my pocket. I walked into the stage door, asked for a mike on a stand, asked whether there was stage access from the audience (there wasn't) and organised helpers to show people out of the auditorium and up to the stage, waited for an intro and walked onstage. I knew exactly what I was going to do and as always in a large theatre, made my smile, my gestures, my body language all much bigger than for my normal venue.... and went for the slot like a rocket.

I did an audience rousing version of a trick called 6 card repeat and followed that up with my comedy version of Cards Across with two lovely young women I picked out the audience. We all had a ball, the audience were rocking and at the same time they were all baffled. Job done.

Apart from my own show we have tomorrow off from interviews etc. Time to regroup!


rob said...

We look forward to seeing you on tuesday at 5pm - Paul

Rob & Liz

M S said...

Enjoying your updates, Mr D. and wish I was in town to see your show. My question is: why on earth aren't you on telly anymore? Baffling!

Cathy Morgan said...

It's brilliant that you & Debbie are performing at the Fringe. You were with our beautiful boy David Morgan, @thisisdavid yesterday - he loves you! We saw your son on board The P&O Ventura last Christmas - he was amazing xx

Pete Biro said...

reminds me of your show at the Tropicana in Las Vegas when the stage manager told you where the loading dock was and you told him your entire show was in your briefcase.


Anonymous said...

Mr D, thanks to Debbie and you for a great evening. Fantastic entertainment as always!!!

Have a magical day,