Sunday, 15 January 2012

Seven Days of Frustration

It's seven days since my last blog and I never expected and can't believe how many nice and caring comments I have had on here, Twitter, emails, phone calls and Facebook. It has been amazing and heartwarming. I can only say a huge 'thank you' to all of you.
The only bad comments were on the online pages of the Sun newspaper. I feel quite proud that the Sun readers don't like me.... :)
S, how has it been? Well, I never realised how restricting using one and a half hands would be. Add that to not being allowed to drive (though I am sure I could) and you have one frustrated impatient conjurer sitting here.
During the week the administering angels (you call them nurses) changed the dressings, announced that it was all going very well and suggested some finger exercises. They then bound my fingers up again so tightly I couldn't do the exercises. :)
Tomorrow I will see Mr Sammut, genius surgeon, again and he will decide whether there is any more work to be done. Fingers crossed (on my right hand) that the news will be good.
On a different tack, pun intended, Debbie drove me over to the boat show. I know that some government geezer decided it would be a good idea to develop the docklands area with the 'Dome', 'Excel', etc... but for most of the nation it's damn difficult to get there.
We only live on the opposite side of London but it took over two hours to get there and over four hours to get back. Birmingham would have been quicker and a LOT more central for the majority of the country.
The biggest disappointment was how few boats were on show. In previous shows there have been boats at all prices. Not this time I'm afraid, so it's back to searching online.
That's about it really, apart from plotting and planning the coming tour. The sooner the better for me!


AA & LG said...

Hi Paul,

Just wanted to add our well wishes to the many you've received so far. Hopefully you'll get some good news tomorrow!

We look forward to seeing you in Runcorn on 1st March, all being well.

Fingers crossed (pun intended)

Andy (trainee magician) & Lauren (trainee glamorous assistant) :-)

Janey said...

Hi Paul,

Only just saw this on your twitter - you silly bugger!

Here's hoping you make a full recovery!

Why not come to Gibraltar to buy a boat :)

Paul Long said...

Get well soon!!

Masterless Magician said...

been away from the computers for a few weeks due to injury, Didn't realise I was being a trend setter.

Hope you recover well. Otherwise you could always ring up René Lavand for some pointers.

Please rest well, those hands are national treasures.

Dextrous said...

Hi Paul
Really hope that you are making good progress with your recovery and that you are able to do what you do so well unhindered by the injury.

On this subject (sorry for being selfish here), I see that your tour doesn't seem to include anywhere in Manchester or the immediate surrounding area. Hope you manage to squeeze us in somehow.

All the best

spotthegerbil said...

Just read your last two blogs thanks to the BBC. You've done yourself a a nasty one and I hope you're back fighting fit soon.

Cuillinguy said...

Hi Paul
Just heard about your accident. That must have been awful. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take it easy and try not to get too frustrated. At least you didn't shoot yourself in the head with a nail gun like some guy I read about today just did. He didn't even notice! :-)

Colin Daives said...

Dood, I shattered 2 of my finger tips on my left hand. I understand your frustration. It was many months before I could attempt a magic trick again only to realise I couldn't do magic before the accident.

You do the best cup and balls routine on the planet. Get well soon.

PS if your tour bring you to Blackpool I'd love to do an interview for my internet radio show. P&L Colin Davies (wordrabbithole)(listen me alice) (mathamagical)

Daniel said...


Just heard the news. I hope everything heals well and I certainly hope it doesn't damage your magic.

I sliced through the tendon on my ring finger and as I was rolled into the operating theatre I asked the surgeon if I would be able to do card tricks after the surgery. He assured me I would. Which is weird, because I couldn't do them before!

All the best.


gaijintendo said...

Maybe you could get the surgeon to replace your bones with some kind of magnetic Adamantium, as they did with Wolverine - then you could make spoons float!

You are awesome. And don't forget that you are a better conjuror with your pinkie than most people are with their Conjumatic 5000.

Get better fast!

Mary said...

Hi Paul
I only read about your accident today and have read your blog postings with horror. I am delighted to hear of the excellent care you're receiving and look forward to reading all about your swift and full recovery.
My very best wishes
Mary xx said...

My stepfather years ago did something similar when at home alone. He wrapped the bit of the finger that he had caught in the electric saw in his carpenters apron, dialled 999 and sat on the pavement to wait for the medics. He was a scenery and props maker at the BBC and was ablt to go back to work after a while recuperating at home after they sewed it back on. He is now 88 and doing well. I believe Dave Allen had also lost the tip of one of his fingers.
Wishing you well and I am sure Debbie is taking great care of you as well as the nurses and doctor.
Jackie in Surrey.