Sunday 8 August 2010


I have had quite a few messages of various thoughts asking why I haven't been writing blogs. The truth is that I haven't been doing anything that I thought was of interest to you.

Actually that is not quite true. Both Debbie and I have been getting involved in stuff that, for contractual reasons, we are not allowed to tell you until 'they' decide to tell you. Times have changed. In times not too long gone by, EVERY bit of publicity was to be garnered, but now those who go to media schools are obviously taught differently. I am not a fan of media schools/colleges because you get taught by people who only know, or invent, theories of show business.

We have also been spending time lazing on the river between bouts of driving up to the Magic and Party shop we have in Wigan and collecting stuff from my warehouses near Doncaster. That stuff is now getting put onto eBay but some is going to be very heavy to shift.

Debbie has been VERY busy over the past weeks, not only with her ongoing radio show, but also cooking like crazy for the photographs for her new book which should be out for Christmas.

The news for the past couple of weeks has tended to be all about Pakistan/Cameron/floods. DC put his foot in it, apparently/allegedly but I am sure that it is the result of non-understanding our funny old language. I heard what he said, and of course he is right... IF you read carefully. He said elements of Pakistan supported Taliban and insurgents and so on... and that is true. Mind you, we have elements living here who support them.

FAR worse are the floods and now we are all being encouraged to donate and support the people who have suffered. I do hope that someone over there, or even anyone looking at satellite pictures, is keeping records of the directions in which the water is pouring across the countryside. I do hope that as soon as these monsoon waters abate someone is going to use the donations to start excavating and concrete lining large canals to carry the water safely away next time it rains. I have seen such draining systems in other countries, standing dry for most of the year and then carrying floodwater away in the bad times.

Like I said, I 'hope'............ but I doubt it will happen. I wonder if we are ready for the falling leaves, or the coming snow...

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